Believe it or not this sentence took me several attempts to write, as I wasn't quite sure how to begin. I'm in the middle of working out what to do with my life. Do I go on a voyage of self discovery, get a job for a year and return to New College next year? Or do I continue to slog it out doing a course and living in a way I'm not happy doing because it's not actually providing me with a) a want to continue and b) any form of happiness.
Now, to anyone who is following my blog and does actually check it often enough (and i know of late i haven't posted much; I've struggled until now to put most of it into words), this is gonna seem totally out of the blue. But to those of you who read and know me well, you'll probably know i value life experience and memories equal to my education, maybe even higher. Because tbh, one without the other is no good, so in theory it should be balanced but oh well.
My point is, i feel at the moment like i'm lacking something, but i'm not overly sure what, hence the self discovery, which i think would provide me with a whole lot more of a solid career path next year when i return to new.
So, here I pose my question to you.
Yes you, the one reading this.
Do I stay where I am, or do i not?
Secondly. I'm going to do a yearly challenge. I came up with this idea after watching a film (based on a true story), about a woman who gives herself 365 days to cook 400 odd recipes. So basically i'm gonna do the same, except I'm not gonna cook. And I need ideas of what this could be. Probably to start in January although not necessarily new years day but you get the drift. Choose something you'd like to hear about afterwards (No, not selling myself or other similar ridiculous ideas, I want to do something serious and fun to focus on throughout next year), because i'm going to blog it every day or at least, try to.
So ideas please! :)
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