This isn't a blog for anything specific. I made it as a result of some advice from a friend, as a bit of a haven to just write everything down.
So everything and anything ends up here (:

Thursday, 30 September 2010

This is why Jeremy Kyle exists.

Okay, so after the various... restricting injuries i've suffered from of late, i've had some time to mull over the random and important things in life.

But apart from that, this whole thing is rather boring soooo here i am writing pretty much about jack shit. My cat is snoozing at my feet, and tbh that's THE most interesting thing that's happened all bloody day.
Oh apart from my call with Ed at lunchtime.

So boredom busters for people with restricting physical injuries:

- Stick random edible items in the microwave, just make sure you don't stick your cat or anything remotely metal in there with it. Can produce tasty, revolting, burnt, or strangely useful stuff.
- Make a to do list. (However don't be surprised if you never do anything on said list afterwards)
- Get creative. Have a shower. Youuu smelly lot you.
- Light some birthday candles, and decorate your lunch with them. Yes i did try this.
- If you know any of your friends facebook passwords, frape them for all it's worth and leave them a nice messy account to come back to. Bonus points if it's an ex ;)
- Dig out some stupidly old Photo albums, disney videos, CD's etc.
- Do some serious digging around for info on that girl whose acting reaaaal odd. You'll be surprised what 20 minutes dedication to this may turn up.

If all else fails. Watch re-runs.
It's a sad but cruel fate we must all suffer at some point.

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